Food products: Government discusses means to speed up implementation of President's orientations

Prime Minister Nadir Larbaoui chaired on Wednesday a Government meeting to discuss the means aimed at speeding up the implementation of the orientations made by President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, to strengthen the purchasing power of citizens and guarantee the availability of a variety of widely consumed food products.
According to a statement by the Prime Minister's office, the Government heard a presentation by the Minister of Trade and Export Promotion on measures to limit fluctuations in the prices of consumer goods and to regulate their markets, by guaranteeing a regular and permanent supply to national markets, and by combating commercial speculation."
In this regard, the Prime Minister has issued a series of orientations on the need to supply national markets with various consumer products and to contain imbalances within specific timeframes, the same source said.
He also instructed "the Government members to place the citizens' economic and social concerns at the centre of the Government's priorities, in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Republic," the source concluded.