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People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Embassy of Algeria in Brussels

Accreditation of journalists

1. Accreditation of professional journalists on a temporary basis

Under the provisions of the Organic Law No. 12-05 of 12/01/2012 on information, including Article 81, and Executive Decree No. 14-152 of 30/04/2014, setting the terms of accreditation of professional journalists working on behalf of a body of foreign law, are subject to the procedure of accreditation on a temporary basis, Professional journalists wishing to carry out a journalistic activity in Algeria on behalf of a press organ of foreign law, holders of "press card" issued by the relevant authorities of the country of the employing organ or of a certificate issued by the employing organ.

Applications for temporary accreditation must be submitted to the Algerian diplomatic and consular representations with territorial jurisdiction in the country where the head office of the employing body is established, or where the journalist is resident, if applicable.

The documents relating to the application for temporary accreditation must include :

  • An application form for a press visa issued by the diplomatic mission or the Algerian consular representation territorially competent, duly completed by the interested applicant;
  • A request from the employing organization of the professional journalist;
  • A photocopy of the passport for the foreign professional journalist or a photocopy of the national identity card for the professional journalist of Algerian nationality;
  • A photocopy of the "press card";
  • Two (2) passport photos of the applicant.
  • The accreditation application file must also include a list of the audiovisual equipment with which the journalist is equipped to carry out his mission in Algeria, in order to facilitate the procedures for temporary admission of the said equipment.

Temporary accreditation is issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a maximum period of fifteen (15) days, renewable once.

Any request for accreditation must be submitted at least (15) days before the start of the mission in Algeria.

2. Accreditation of professional journalists on a permanent basis

In accordance with the provisions of the Executive Decree No. 14-152 mentioned above, applications for accreditation of professional journalists as permanent correspondents of a foreign law institution in Algeria must be filed with the Algerian diplomatic and consular representations with territorial jurisdiction in the country where the head office of the employing institution is located.

The documents relating to the application for permanent accreditation must include:

  • An application form for accreditation issued by the diplomatic mission or the Algerian consular representation territorially competent, duly completed by the interested applicant;
  • A request from the employing organization of the professional journalist;
  • A photocopy of the passport for the foreign professional journalist or a photocopy of the national identity card for the professional journalist of Algerian nationality;
  • A photocopy of the press card;
  • Two (2) passport photos of the person concerned.

The permanent accreditation is issued by the Ministry of Communication for a period of twelve (12) months, renewable.

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