Announcement of a National Competition for the Best School Works

The National People's Assembly is organizing the National Competition for the Best School Works on the theme "Algeria and Fair Causes", in coordination with the Ministry of National Education and with the participation of the Ministry of Mujahideen and Rights Holders and the Ministry of Culture and Arts, where the official launch of this event was held under the slogan "Justice is the basis for guaranteeing the rights of peoples".
This competition, the first of its kind and directed at middle school students, aims to value Algeria's firm positions on just causes in the world, especially the Palestinian cause, to strengthen the constants of national identity in the souls of young people and to kindle the spirit of liberation in them and to embody the goals of the Algerian school to form an aware citizen who exercises his rights and duties towards himself and his society.
Given the compatibility of the aims and objectives of this initiative with an educational and cultural dimension with the government's renewed strategy towards the national community abroad within the framework of implementing the program of the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, which attaches great importance to strengthening the ties of our community with their country of origin, it has been decided to integrate students from the daughters and sons of our community abroad to participate in this national competition on the same basis as students studying in Algeria.
In this context, it is worth noting the following:
- The subject of the competition revolves around the following five areas: poem, story, chant, monologue and drawing.
- Participation is open in the two national languages, Arabic and Amazigh, and participation is also possible in English.
- Five prizes are allocated under the title "National Community Abroad", whereby our community students with outstanding academic work will be honored, along with their supervising teachers on this occasion.
- The National People's Assembly will cover the costs related to the travel and accommodation of the outstanding students and their supervisors in this national competition in order to receive their prizes in Algeria.
The period between March 10 and 13 has been set for collecting and selecting the school works submitted by the Algerian community students participating in this national competition. On this basis, students of the Algerian community and interested in participating in this national competition are requested to send their works starting from the date of publication of this announcement to the Algerian Embassy until March 10, 2025 so that they can be sent, before March 18, 2025, the deadline for this, to the Education, Teaching and Scientific Research Committee of the National People's Assembly competent to select the final outstanding works in this national competition.
Attached to this announcement is a memorandum outlining the conditions and methods of participation in this competition.
Conditions and how to participate in National competition for the best school works, on the topic "Algeria and fair causes" Under the slogan "Justice is the basis for guaranteeing the rights of peoples"
I- Fields of participation in the competition:
1- Literary field:
- Poetry, whereby the composition of a poem does not exceed fifteen (15) verses for classical poetry and three pages for free verse.
- Short story, whereby the composition of a short story does not exceed five (05) pages.
2- Artistic field:
- Chanting: This concerns the production of a video, not exceeding five (05) minutes, containing personal information about the student and the educational institution, including the beginning and end credits.
- Monologue: This concerns the production of a video, not exceeding seven (07) minutes, containing personal information about the student and the educational institution, including the beginning and end credits.
3- Fine art field (drawing):
The work is done on Canson drawing paper, size 24 cm * 32 cm, or on a piece of cloth, taking care to record the personal information of the student and the educational institution.
II- Conditions and methods of participation:
- Participation was done by having the owners of the selected works fill out a form containing their personal information.
- Participation is with only one work, so that the student, who is accompanied and supervised by the teachers, has the freedom to choose the drawing technique that suits him. In this context, it is necessary to adhere to the theme of the competition "Algeria and Just Causes" as well as the slogan under which it was organized, which is "Justice is the basis for guaranteeing the rights of peoples" when participating in the fields proposed above.
- The school work submitted must be individual, original, and not previously participated in. It is also required that the video of the chant or monologue has not been previously broadcast on any digital or electronic site, or any recognized means of display.
- Videos can be filmed using all types of digital media, including mobile phones in landscape mode.
- Any work that does not respect the aforementioned conditions, any video that exceeds the permitted duration, or contains technical problems in the sound and image that hinder its evaluation and display, will be excluded.
- The participating works will not be returned to their owners.